Smart Lens Intraocular Lens


Smart Lens Intraocular Lens


What is Smart Lens-Intraocular Lens?

  • Smart lens, also known as intraocular lens; It is the process of removing the eye lens and replacing it with a monofocal, bifocal or multifocal lens.

In which patients can Smart Lens-Intraocular Lens be applied?

  • Astigmatism patients
  • Myopia and hyperopia patients
  • Cataract patients

How is Smart Lens-Intraocular Lens surgery performed?

  • Analyzes are made in order to test the compatibility of the eye with the lens.
  • The eye is anesthetized with drop form anesthesia.
  • The old lens is removed with the help of a small incision and the new lens is put in its place.
  • After a week’s break, the same procedure is applied to the other eye.

How does the process progress after Smart Lens-Intraocular Lens surgery?

  • There is no need for hospitalization after the operation.
  • The operated eye remains closed for one day.
  • On the 2nd day, vision normalizes.
  • The drops prescribed by the doctor are used regularly.

What are the types of Smart Lens-Intraocular Lenses?

  1. Monofocal lens: It only provides correction of the viewing distance.
  2. Bifocal lens: It provides correction of near and far vision.
  3. Multifocal lens (Trifocal lens): It provides correction of vision at near, far and intermediate distances.

Smart Lens-Intraocular Lens surgery can not be applied to whom?

  • Patients with advanced eye pressure
  • Patients with diabetic neuropathy
  • Individuals with single-angle visual impairment

What are the advantages of Smart Lens-Intraocular Lens surgery?

  • No need for glasses or lenses.
  • A clear view is provided at all distances.
  • A newly installed lens is used for life
  • There is no possibility of cataract formation.
  • The patient’s eye numbers will not change again.
  • It takes about 10-20 minutes
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