



Anesthesia Type: General Anesthesia

Operation Duration: 2-3 Hours

Duration of Hospitalization: 1 Day

Sensitivity: 2-5 Weeks

Return to Work Time: 2-3 Days

What is gynecomastia?

  • Gynecomastia; It is defined as an overgrowth (benign, benign) occurring in the breast tissue of men.
  • Gynecomastia can be single or double breast.
  • Gynecomastia most often becomes evident in the pubertal (adolescence) period.
  • Studies have reported that gynecomastia is seen in 30-60% of the population.
  • Gynecomastia usually begins to become evident at the age of 9, and is noticed at the age of 13-14.
  • The most effective and definitive solution for gynecomastia; It is the reduction of the enlarged breast tissue with gynecomastia surgery.

What are the stages of gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia consists of 3 stages according to Simon Criteria.

  • Stage 1 Gynecomastia: There is a small growth in the breast. There is no excess skin tissue.


  • Stage 2 Gynecomastia:
  1. a) There is moderate growth in the breast. There is no excess skin tissue.
  2. b) There is moderate growth in the breast. There is an excess of skin texture.


  • Stage 3 Gynecomastia: There is significant growth in the breast. There is an excess of skin texture.

What are the causes of gynecomastia?

  • Inherited traits
  • Obesity
  • Developmental-Physiological abnormality
  • Due to drug use
  • Due to tumors
  • Due to systemic causes
  • Due to congenital diseases
  • Presence of gynecomastia in family history
  • Hypogonadism (decreased androgen synthesis or increased androgen resistance)

How is gynecomastia surgery performed?

  • General anesthesia is performed in gynecomastia surgery.
  • There are two techniques in gynecomastia surgery.
  • Depending on the patient’s condition, two techniques can be used together or the liposuction technique can be used alone.

Liposuction technique: Removal of excess fat tissue with Vaser liposuction

Excision technique: removal of glandular breast tissue or excess breast

  • The operation takes 2-3 hours.
  • Liposuction (liposuction) is applied to remove the accumulated fat tissue during gynecomastia surgery.
  • Several small incisions are made for liposuction.
  • Cannulas are inserted into the breast through these incision points.
  • Excess fat tissue is loosened with the movement of the cannulas.
  • The loosened fat tissue is removed from the breast with the help of vacuum.
  • If the mammary gland needs to be removed in a person with gynecomastia, these tissues are removed by excision technique.
  • In addition, areos can be reduced in size by excision in gynecomastia.
  • The nipple is reconstructed to have a contour suitable for the natural male breast structure.
  • The incision is made in the way that the doctor finds most suitable for the patient.

Will there be any scars after gynecomastia surgery?

  • When only liposuction is performed in gynecomastia surgery, a very slight trace of the incision marks remains where the breast folds.
  • If breast tissue is removed in gynecomastia surgery, a slight incision scar remains under the ring around the nipple.

Does gynecomastia go away without surgery?

  • Regular exercise and a healthy diet reduce the amount of fat in the breast area.
  • However, the existing breast tissue itself doesn’t shrink.
  • Therefore, the most effective and definitive result in gynecomastia is gynecomastia surgery.

What should be done after gynecomastia surgery?

  • You should sleep in the supine position for the first 3 days after the gynecomastia surgery.
  • Shower shouldn’t be taken.
  • Stitches dissolve in 1-2 weeks
  • The patient uses a regular chest corset.
  • The corset shouldn’t be removed for 3 weeks.
  • For the first 6 weeks, activities such as strenuous activity and exercise should be avoided.
  • It takes approximately 3-6 months for the results of gynecomastia surgery to appear fully.
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